The Top 10 Best, Cutest and Friendly Pet Birds..!

        No wonder so many people want a pet bird. They are so cute.  It deserves to be friendly, gentle and accommodating.  These traits are even more important to those with limited pet bird experience. It is easier to bond and care for an animal that is naturally friendly than to be dangerous or aggressive.  Here are some common types of friendly pet birds that usually make great companions.

     Furthermore, although all pets should be treated as individuals, we should pay attention to the fact that choosing a well-known species for mild and sociable behavior can reduce the risk of being bitten and invasive.


The Top 10 Best, Cutest and Friendly Pet Birds..!

   Budgees (also known as parakeets), which are gaining popularity around the world, are the best pets for good reason.  When properly tamed and cared for, these birds can be extraordinarily friendly and affectionate.  When engaged in small and somewhat low maintenance tasks, it is well-suited for budget training and you can learn to do a lot of fun bird tricks, including learning to talk, and having these can erase your loneliness.

Length: 6 to 8 inches.
Weight: 1 ounce.
Physical features :
green abdomen.
Black and yellow back.
Yellow head.
Dark blue tail.
Mutations include blue,yellow, white, and gray.

02. Cockatiel.

      Attractive cocktails are another great choice for anyone who wants a friendly and lovable pet bird.  Coming from Australia, these birds can be hand-fed as infants and bred as pets in a positive environment.  They usually do not learn to speak and they are very intelligent.  Many birds learn to recognize and respond to common indoor sounds, such as doorbells, telephones, and microwaves.

Length: 18 inches.
Weight: 16 to 26 ounces.
Physical features: 
Basically white feathers.
Pale yellow on wings and tail
Large white logo.
Black beak.

03. Hyacinth Macaw.

   Known as the "soft giants", the hyacinth macaque is the largest of all parrots.  As sociable and friendly birds, they do not love anything more than spending time playing and petting with their owners., They are very cute.Because of their size, many owners need large homes for these birds, which can make it difficult to provide proper housing, but those who can meet their needs maintain an incredible relationship and friendship with them.

Length: 40 inches.
Weight: 42 to 51 ounces.
Physical features: 
blue or blue feathers.  
Yellow spots around eyes and beak.
Black beak.
Dark gray feet.

04. Dove.

     You may not immediately think of a pigeon as a friendly pet, but it is a known fact that it is extremely sweet and gentle, like tamed, hand-made pigeons.  These birds rarely bite and are easy to train and bond with pigeons, even for people with limited bird experience.  They enjoy the friendship of their guardians but usually do not pay too much attention.

Length: 11 to 13 inches.
Weight: 5 to 8 ounces.
Physical features: 
dark gray and brown feathers.  
Black collar around neck. 
Black eyes and beak. 
Mutations include white, orange,and pied.

05. Parrotlet.

   Parrots are known to have larger personalities than their small bodies. Those who care about parrots should have plenty of time to play and socialize with their pets, as these birds can be a bit wild without regular handling.  People who interact with can have a strong bond with these comic little birds, and they have some ability to talk.

Length: 4 to 5 inches.
Weight: 1 ounce.
Physical features: 
green head and body.
Blue behind and behind eyes Mutations include blue, yellow, and white.

06. Green-Cheecked Conure.

   Green cheeks from South America spend time socializing with their guardians.  By nature, they are intelligent, playful, and somewhat naughty birds.  But compared to other coniferous species, they are quieter and easier.  They do not usually learn to speak, but their attractive personalities are enough to make them fun and attractive colleagues.

Length: 10 to 11 inches.
Weight: 2 to 3 ounces.
Physical features:
Mainly green.
Olive cheek patches.
Gray breasts and head.
Maroon tail.
Blue flying feathers.
Mutations include turquoise, turmeric and cinnamon.

07. Hahn's Macaw.

    Han's macaws are the smallest macaws native to South America, but they infuse their personalities into their compact bodies.  They are intelligent and playful birds and should be gentle when properly socialized and handled.  These macaws like to spend as much time with their caregivers as they can get depressed if they feel neglected.They are so sensitive.  Some people learn to speak well, but they can also be frustrating.

Length: 12 to 14 inches.
Weight: 6 ounces.
Physical features:
Basically green feathers.
Blue forehead.
Wings red edges.
Orange eyes.
White rings around the eyes.

08. Canaries.

    These happy-go-lucky, good-natured songwriters need low-key TLCs to keep your Canary Cage in the room where you stay.Then they will be happy, this is one of the reasons why these angels are one of the best birds to have as pets.

   They can add your canary commercial slices and vegetables such as wild, spinach and sweet potatoes to their diet.You may want to take your canary out to fly around the room so that the windows do not collapse by covering the windows and mirrors.  It provides exercise as well as mental stimulation.Their lifetime is about 10 to 15 years.

09. Pionus Parrots.

   If your definition of small is slightly larger than a pint-sized parrot, pion parrots are medium-sized but smaller than Amazon or African ash.  They are less irritating and sweeter than Amazon.Blue pines make a great pet aviary for bird parents for the first time.  They are easy to care for, very loving, playful and have a mild temper.

    Furthermore some Fun Rolls  With a replacement calculator paper roll instead of bird toys gives birds an instinct to chew and tear.Feed your pines the way you would any other parrot: Dr. Rolf says they have processed foods that contain more vegetables, such as slices and leafy vegetables, than fruit.  Vegetables are generally more important than fruits because of their high nutrient content, especially their caloric content.

10. Finches.

    Six percent of bird parents keep finches.  Yes, finches grow when kept in pairs, but get two males or two females to prevent them from breeding.  Filter keeps six percent of bird parents in a wide nest, such as a pet bird flying nest.  Yes, finches grow when kept in pairs, but get two males or two females to prevent them from breeding.  Finch can be as fun as a canary as long as the pet pet product takes you to a wide nest like a small bird 's nest.  There are bright, rolled paper sticks. Finches can be as fun as hhhu canary as long as you carry them.

  Blanchett also recommends a few small pots that allow them to fly from container to container.  The best foods for finches include seed-based pill-based foods, as well as greens such as spinach, watermelon, and lettuce.Take two bowls of water, one for bathing, one for drinking, both of which you should change daily.

Theirs average lifespan is about 10 years max.

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