Common Diseases of Pet Birds That You Should Definitely Know..!

 As a bird owner, it is important to be aware of common bird diseases and disorders that affect your valuable pet.  Early detection of the disease is important for the successful treatment of pets, and therefore it is important to learn about some of the more common diseases that affect bird captivity.

Common Diseases of Pet Birds That You Should Definitely Know..!

If you notice that your bird is showing signs of this disease or other abnormal behavior, get the attention of a qualified birdwatcher as soon as possible.

Psittacosis (Parrot Fever)

Psittacosis, or "parrot fever", is a form of the chlamydia bacterium that affects all hook bills.  The disease is highly contagious and can be transmitted from birds to other animals as well as humans.

The symptoms of psittacosis are not specific, but they include difficulty breathing, eye infections and inflammation, as well as lethargy, watery eyes, and general lethargy.  Treatments are often antibiotics, tetracyclines, which can be given orally or orally.  Vaccines.  However, birds taking tetracycline may not have calcium.


Polymovirus is a disorder that affects caged birds, especially parrots.  Newborn or juvenile birds are most at risk and the disease is usually fatal.

Symptoms of polymorphism include loss of appetite, enlarged stomach, paralysis and diarrhea.  Some birds do not show any external symptoms at all, but are carriers of the virus, shedding it when in stress and at risk of infecting other birds in the house.

There is no known cure for poliovirus.  The disease can develop quickly and has a high mortality rate.


Candida or Candidiasis is a fungal infection.  It affects the digestive system of all birds.  The disease is an increase in yeast that is commonly found in the digestive system of birds. Common symptoms of Candida infections include white sores in the mouth and throat, vomiting, loss of appetite, and a slow crop to empty.  The bird seems indifferent.

If you suspect that your pet is sick, call your veterinarian immediately.  For health-related issues, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD)

Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD) is a disease that affects birds.  The disease affects the nerves that supply the small intestine of birds, but it also affects the nerves that supply other organs. PDD Macau is also known as Macao Waste Syndrome and Parrot Waste Syndrome because it is commonly found in African gray parrots, Amazon parrots, cockroaches, and conifers.

Symptoms of PDD include weight loss, vomiting, changes in bird droplets, and a swollen crop of muscle sacs near the throat.  However, no sign or symptom can distinguish PPD.  Some birds show no signs of disease until they are infected. 

Treatments are often nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and the bird must take a special diet.  However, there is no cure for the disease, so this treatment will only reduce the pain for the rest of the bird's lives.

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD)

PBFD is a serious disease that affects all members of the parrot family and is called "bird AIDS" because of the similarities between the diseases.  Although most affected birds are less than two years old, PBFD can affect birds of any age. Symptoms of PBFD include loss of feathers, abnormal feather growth, powdery mildew (wandering) and growth of the beak, sores and abnormalities.  If a bird shows symptoms, the veterinarian may perform a skin and / or feather biopsy.

Currently, the PBFD  There is no cure for, so supportive care, including pain management, is recommended by a veterinarian.

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