The Most Common Cat Diseases.

     As a cat parent, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of common ailments so that your pet cat can get timely veterinary advice if needed.  Read this for information on common diseases and other medical effects affecting cats.

The Most Common Cat Diseases

01. Cancer.

Cancer is a group of diseases that grow without cell control, invade surrounding tissues and can spread to other areas of the body.  Like humans, cats can get different types of cancer.  The disease can be localized i.e. limited to one area like a tumor or generalized i.e. spread throughout the body.

02. Diabetes.

Feline diabetes is a complex disease caused by a lack of insulin hormone or insulin insufficiency.  After a cat eats, its digestive system breaks down food into various components, including glucose, which is carried to its cells by insulin.

If a cat does not produce insulin or cannot use it normally, her blood sugar level will rise.  The result is hyperglycemia.  If left untreated, a cat can inevitably develop many serious health problems.

03. Heartworm.

Heart attacks caused by infected mosquitoes have been increasingly identified as a major cause of health problems in domestic cats.  Cats are a unique host for heartworms.  Despite its name, heart disease primarily causes lung disease in cats.  This is important for any cat owner living in a mosquito-infested area and you should consult with a veterinarian to prevent it.

04. Rabies.

Rabies is a viral disease that affects the brain and spinal cord of all mammals, including cats, dogs and humans.  This preventable disease has been reported in every state except Hawaii.  The word "rabies" has a good cause for fear in people. Symptoms Rabies is 100% deadly when it occurs. Prevent your pets from it.

05. Upper Respiratory Infections.

A cat's upper respiratory tract - nose, throat and sinuses - can be infected with various viruses and bacteria. See a doctor right away.

06. Feline Leukemia Virus.(FelV)

 Feline leukemia, first discovered in the 1960s, is a transmissible RNA retrovirus that severely disrupts a cat's immune system.  It is the most common cause of illness and death in domestic cats.  Since the virus does not always cause symptoms, any new cat entering the home and any sick cat - must be tested for FeLV.

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