Top 6 Most Popular Fresh Water Fish for Beginners

 In total there are over 30,000 freshwater fish species in the world. Some of the most divers fish, invertebrates and aquatic plants inhabit freshwater habitats. Are you looking for some good stocking ideas for your freshwater aquarium? 

Here is a list of the 10 most well-known freshwater fish to get you started. You can keep these fish in jungle pollinarium, riverbed replicas, underwater gardens, and many other beautiful environments.

01. Angel Fish

A freshwater angelfish in actually a type of South American cichlid. They have a diamond shaped body and long, trailing fins. Because of this they are often called the king of the Aquarium.

Angel fish make a great introduction to the cichlid family as they are much more passive than other cichlid species. They also make good tank mates for other peaceful cichlids such as the Discus and Swarf cichlid.

 Unlike most ither fish, these fish take care of their young. Both parents raise the fry for up to 2 months after they hatch.

If you are going to keep a freshwater Angelfish they you will need at least 30 gallon tank.

02. Gold Fish

Without any doubt the Gold fish is the number one most popular pet fish in the world.

People have been keeping Gold fish since the 19th century and their popularity soared during the early 1900s.

Over the years specialized breeding have given way to all sorts of different Gold fish breeds and color forms. In addition to the Common Gold fish, you can get a Comet Gold fish, Orinda, Fantail, and many more.

Contrary to popular belief, they do not belong in a bowl, nor do they have short lifespans.

A single tailed Gold fish needs at least a 50 gallon aquarium. Many of the double tailed fancy varieties need 75 gallons or more.

Just remember they are temperate fish, so their maximum water temperature should not go above 72°F.

03. Guppy

Guppies are beautifully colored nano fish that are also known as rainbowfish(Guppy)

They come in many flashy color varieties and have wide caudal fins that look like Japanese fans.

Guppies are beginner friendly and make wonderful community fish – they should be kept in groups of 5 to 10.

Since they swim in the foreground of your tank, you will see them very often. They are very social and will interact with one another often.

You can keep them with Najas grass as this provides shelter, food, and breeding ground all at the same time. Other good plants for a Guppy include Java ferns, micro swords and Java moss.

04. Neon Tetra

Alongside the Cardinal Tetra, the Neon Tetra is one of the most popular beginner friendly nano fish variant in the world.

They look just like Cardinal Tetras too with bright blue lateral lines and a red tail.

Just like other tetras, their color intensity is linked to their diet and the conditions of their tank. Your Tetras will look their best with a balanced diet of live prey and greenery.

They get along best with other Tetras, Rasboras and Cory catfish.

05. Oscar

A single Oscar fish can dominate a whole tank.

The South American cichlid is as bold and boisterous as their colors.

Those orange and black Halloween colors can be very captivating but the decision to add this fish to your tank should not be taken lightly. Oscars are extremely aggressive fish that only experienced aquarists should attempt to keep in a community tank. If you are new to this species then a single species tank is the best way to go.

You can keep Oscars with other cichlids that can hold their own, such as Jack Dempsey and Convicts.

If you are keeping a single species tank then a 55 gallon tank works. However if you are going to keep a community then there must be enough space for the other fish to stay out of their way, so at least a 100 gallon fish tank is needed.

06. Pearl Gourami 

This beautiful iridescent fish has a sparkling white pearl pattern.

In an aquarium full of small freshwater fish, they are often the showiest in the tank.

Pearl Gourami are medium sized Gouramis with peaceful personalities. They thrive in a water temperature of 77-82°F and a tank full of plenty of plants.

You can keep this fish with Crypts, Anubias, and other leafy plants that can handle being munched on.

Pearls do very well in community tanks but should not be kept with barbs or other rambunctious fin nippers.

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