Are Peanuts Safe for Dogs?


Are Peanuts Safe for Dogs?

Do you know? This topic is a one of most-frequently searched topics in search engine.

As we know pet owners are clearly interested in knowing which nuts are dangerous for their dogs to eat. I thing this article will be very impotent to you all who want to know about this case because many commonly eaten nuts can be harmful to dogs, including almonds , walnuts, pistachios, macadamia and pecans.

But we have to get clear knowledge about what good for? Or what bad for?

What about good, old-fashioned peanuts? Are peanuts safe for dogs to eat?

Are Peanuts Safe for Dogs?

Safe But Beware Of Possible Side Effects

Hurray…! Here is the good news: Peanuts are not considered toxic to dogs. However, it’s impotent to be understand that while peanuts are safe to use in dog cookie and other treats, they are high in fat.

Dogs have a hardest time digesting fat. High fat concentrations can Couse stomach upsets including diarrhea and vomiting.

Safe But Beware Of Possible Side Effects

Dogs that consume too much fat can develop a very painful condition called pancreatitis. This happens when the dog’s pancreas becomes infected due to fat consumption. Although your dog can get treatment for pancreatitis, severe forms can be fatal and can be extremely painful.

Avoid Salted Peanuts

If you going to give your dog a peanut treat-like stuffing your dog’s Kong toy with peanut butter or a handmade cookie treat-using low-sodium peanut butter or low-salt peanuts will help keep your four-legged friend healthy.

Food products that are combined peanuts butter with other ingredients ( ie, peanut butter cups and other candy bars) should be avoided as they can lead to accidental poisoning from chocolate, raisins, xylitol, etc.

Check ingredients for Xylitol

With the introduction of various nut butters on the market, it is wise to check the ingredients for xylitol, a sugar substitute that is highly toxic to dogs. Currently, three brands of peanuts butter contain xylitol, including Nets’ n more, Krush Nutrition and P-28 Foods. Be sure to read the nutritional ingredients. “Natural sweeteners” may be a hint that peanut butter is sweetened with xylitol, which may be labeled as a “Sugar Alcohol” in its chemical classification.

While Xylitol may be safe for humans, it is not safe for pets. Even very small amounts of xylitol can send your dog into hypoglycemia – a dangerous drop in blood sugar – that is often fatal and can lead to liver failure. If your dog ingests xylitol, immediate veterinary treatment is recommended. Signs of xylitol toxicity include disorientation, staggering, choking, collapsing and seizures.

Portion Control

The main rule: Do not overdo it. Limit your dog’s peanut consumption to an occasional treat rather than a meal. Because of its high fat concentration, too much peanut butter can cause pancreatitis, a very painful health condition for dogs.

Are Peanuts Safe for Dogs?

If you have concerns or questions about feeding your dog peanuts, consult with your veterinarian who is familiar with your dog’s health and nutrition.

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